In many applications, a high degree of reliability and large mounting tolerances are more important than that last bit of accuracy. HEIDENHAIN now offers a new exposed linear encoder with absolute position measurement for such applications. The LIC 2100 convinces through its uncomplicated incorporation, and is itself satisfied with a simple mechanical design of the installation area on the machine. Even so it achieves accuracies on the order of ±15 µm.
In fact, HEIDENHAIN permits amazing mounting tolerances: The gap between the scanning unit and the scale tape may vary by up to one millimeter (0.75 mm ±0.5 mm when secured by adhesive, and 0.75 mm +0.5 mm/–0.25 mm when secured on an aluminum carrier), and a lateral offset of ±1 mm is permitted. The scanning unit may also be offset by up to ±1° relative to the scale tape in each of the three axes (roll, pitch, and yaw). This all has no negative effects on the measuring accuracy nor on the high traversing speeds of up to 600 m/min. The standard maximum measuring length is 3020 mm, but customer-specific solutions of up to 6020 mm are also possible.
The generous mounting tolerances make it possible to use the mechanical stop to mount the LIC 2100. You simply need to ensure that the tolerances are maintained over the entire range of traverse during operation. This can easily be tested using the PWM 20 diagnostic tool and the ATS software installed on a laptop.
As an absolute encoder, the LIC 2100 always supplies precise position values, including immediately after the machine or system has been switched on, without needing a reference run. The measuring standard is a steel scale tape, bearing an absolute graduation with pseudo random code. Only the absolute graduation is used to determine the position value: In this sense the LIC 2100 is a purely single-track system. In addition to the large mounting tolerances, the fact that the measuring standard is resistant to wear and contamination ensures the high process reliability of the LIC 2100. The scanning head fulfills protection class IP 67, meaning it satisfies the highest demands regarding immunity to dust and moisture, and so permanently operates reliably. This means that the LIC 2100 is a very interesting solution for machine manufacturers. The simple design of the installation area and the uncomplicated mounting—either using an aluminum scale-tape carrier or directly by adhesive—save time and work during manufacture of the machine. The large selection of serial interfaces, including Fanuc, Mitsubishi, and Panasonic, and of course EnDat 2.2, complements the mounting advantages with a simple electronic connection.
The measuring accuracy of ±15 µm is more than enough for numerous applications. Machines for population of circuit boards in the electronics industry, medical technology applications such as pipette machines, facilities for automation technology or metrology, or even machine tools—all of them are examples of applications for the new LIC 2100 exposed linear encoder with absolute position measurement.